I went to the hairdresser on Friday and since my hair was such a mess and broken she cut off quite a lot of hair. I like it though, and since hair always grows out again it's not really a big thing.

My weekend was great, I got to do a lot of fun thing with friends and family and I'm looking forward to a new work week with new possibilities and happy kids. (Hopefully) haha.
I really like the kids that I'm teaching and taking care of so I really hope I get to work a little there after new year. We'll see and keep out fingers crossed. It's crazy how you get attached to kids. What I have figured out is that I get more attached to kids that adults and that it's harder to leave kids. I don't know why, it might be because they are just themselves and you get the know the kids through new eyes compare to adults who know more, and act more. For me, adults are harder to deal with than kids. Kids are so honest and easy. Well, easier in many ways.
This just made me realize how much I have learnt in the Us, about kids and adults. I have gotten a whole new perspective on raising and living. I have practice how to raise kids and got to know how it feels how to have kids, and how hard it is to be a parent. It takes so much time and energy but it all worth it in the end. You really have to credit yourself and remember that you're just helping the kids, you're not just a mean old adult. Even though I love to play and be playful and silly, sometime I have to be strict and mean, and I'm not doing it because I want to, sometimes you just have to. And the kids are going to thank you for it, one day.
Like now, I'm thanking my mom and dad for raising me and for helping me become who I am. I have faught with my parents a couple of times and when I was 15 I thought I new everything, but they taught me and helped me in the right direction.
It's like walking on a path in the woods. Sometime you see a pretty flower next to the path that you just have to checkout, and you see another flower further from the path that you just have to see, and eventually you're lost and far away from the path. That's when you have a parent or a guide that can help you back on the path. It's good that you are curious and want to see other stuff away from your path. That's how you grow and mature, you just have to look back sometimes so you're not too far away from the path.
With this said and like I said on Instagram.
If you changed nothing, nothing will change.
