I'm obsessed with that song right now. It's so cheerful and exactly what I need right now.
They days are really just passing by so incredibly fast. It feels like I don't have time to do anything. I'm working every weekday and then I'm trying to meet as many people as I can and do stuff that want to do but the days are so short. It sounds rediciulous but it's true! Haha. I love planning and having a lot of things to do, and I think it's good to have stuff to do so I can take my mind off work and my family in United States that I think of so often. I miss them! But I have realized that it's okay to miss them, it's normal.
It's only 3 weeks til Christmas and I'm so excited. People who know me, knows that I don't like the snow, EXCEPT on Christmas Eve and Christmas Day. If I could decide the weather, I would have summer all year around except during Christmas when it can be white snow outside. It makes Christmas a little more Christmasi.
I wasn't home for Christmas last year so this year I'm really looking forward to spend it with the people here in Sweden that I love so dearly. Last year I skyped with my whole family on Christmas Eve and this year my grandpa said "this year we don't have to see you through a screen, this year we can have you next to us and hug you" that made me so warm and happy, and it made me realized how blessed I am to have so many amazing people around me.
Tomorrow it's Friday and I'm looking forward to this weekend. I'm going to go to the hairdresser tomorrow before work and then I'll work for only 4,5 hours and then eat out with my parents and grandparents. On Saturday I'm going down south to my sweet friend Viktoria! Sunday, when it's the second of Advent, my friend Julia and I are going to a Chirstmas dinner at a castle. We joked about it today, since it sooo expensive we have to starve all weekend to just stuff ourselves with food and treats on Sunday. We have 4 hours to eat so we are going to turn into two giant Swedish meatballs and roll our way home again.
Enjoy your days and smile.