Just a few snaps from the week and half that have passed.
I bought a new WoodWick candle that crackles when it burns, and it smells amazing too. I got the insperation from my friend Julia that has one, and her smells like linnen, mmmm.

On staurday night I went out with Julia and her friend, and we had a super crazy time!

And after a while, it just went downhill... haha but so fun!

The day after I went to my cousins birthday party and then went home and just fell down on the couch.

A beautiful monday morning. Sweden isn't just bad all the time ;) haha

I did this one myself, I took it the saturday I went out and I really think it looks like I'm trying to imitate Flynn Rider in Tangled. haha

My German bestie had her birthday and I just had to look back at our pictures from Puerto Rico, how amazing it was <3

Julia and I did had a wednesday date at our favrotie sushi place, Fried sushi is soooo good...

Wise words a thirday night like this - LIVE FREE <3