Flowers brightens any girl's day.
A few things has happened since I last wrote. First of all, I'm much much happier and I got all the engery and spirit back. I don't really know what happened, but I think that you have to be down sometimes to enjoy the happier times more.
Anyway, the biggest news are probably that I got a new job. Well, the same job but at another school and new kids and people. I've only worked there for 2 day but it feels great. I think, "knowing" that I will have a job and get money til September was a big wake up call. Now I don't have to worry and get woken up at 7 am every morning from people calling and asking if I can work. I was starting to get really really tired of that.
I've been working out alot and been hanging out more with friends. I've also stared to do more "small" things like small trips, eating out more, coffee dates and walks. I think that its very important to do small things as well, since you can't always do big trips (which I would love to do everyday, haha).
The other day, I read an article of 25 mistakes you have to do before you turn 25 and I found this article very interesting. It included some things like:
+ Just work for the money
+ Move abroad - Even if you have to move back after 2 weeks, you did it !!!
+ Live with a room mate - Even though it would be a pain, you're going to have so much fun!
+ Apply for random jobs- even though you know you're not going to get it, just do it! You have nothing to lose.
+ Shop (My favorite) - Haha, shop til you drop, change you're style, just because it's fun!
+ Don't give a shit of what others thinks - (I think that you should always live like that)
+ Travel with your friends - Go on crazy party trips.
+ Be spantanious - Say YES more often.
+ Don't worry about getting old - We are all going to get old, so stop worrying and start enjoying, you're not getting younger by standing still.
These are some of them.
The article is unfortunately in swedish but this is the link for it:
